Shining a Spotlight on the US of A

Where Progress, Diversity, and Advancements Flourish

We have nothing to fear but fear itself

Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans

John Lennon

The greatest glory in living lies not never failing
But in rising every time we fall

Nelson Mandela

Your time is limited
So don't waste it living someone else's life

Steve Jobs

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up

Thomas Edison

Always rember you are absolutely unique
Just like everyone else

Margaret Mead

In the end it is not the years in your life
But the life in your years


Do not go where the path may lead, but go where the is no path and leave atrail


Not until we are lost
Do we begin to find ourselves

Henry Thoreau

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand,
They listen with the intent to reply

Stephen Covey

Silence is the most powerful scream


A time magazine cover with a picture of people.

Dedicated to Promoting the Wonders of the United States of America

America’s journey toward becoming a more cultured, inclusive, and developed country has always seen significant milestones for decades. Our online platform, We Are Americans, aims to highlight these accomplishments, promote US sights by their cities, and spread word about upcoming events to help people see the nation in a new light.


Meet the People Who Pioneered the American Dream

US history is filled with diverse individuals who fought for the people’s freedom, progress, and ideals. Get to know these brave and bold Americans who championed our nation’s values to create the beautiful country we have now.

A statue of liberty with the sky in the background
A city street with tall buildings and a skyscraper.

Experience the States Like No One Else

There are always new things to love about America. Experience the country from a new perspective. Find out more about classic tourist spots, unique sightseeing areas, and other information on the latest local happenings in different American States.