The Proud Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

Find out more about the US and discover the true meaning of the American dream at We Are Americans. Our online platform is dedicated to promoting the achievements, growth, diversity, and ideals the nation upholds so that the people who want to visit or move to the country know these accomplishments and values.

Learn and Live the American Dream

The American Dream is a beautiful concept that everyone in the country wants to experience fully. It means having a life where you can love who you want to love openly, live where you want to be comfortably, and pursue your dreams freely.

A large white building with columns and a flag on top.
Two passports sitting on top of a table.

Explore the US

Learning about the American Dream is one thing, but living it is a whole new ballgame. Enjoy an enriching journey checking out the local sights and events in different US States so you can round out the American Dream experience.